Sometimes we pray for things to happen and then we are afraid to step into that calling and or position from fear of the unknown and become stagnant in our growth and development. We become okay and with just enough and never walk into the overflow.
Story time: I prayed for a new position with my company and was ecstatic when I was offered the new position. The night before I started the new role, I begin to think of how much easier it would be to go back to my prior position. I was familiar with the office dynamics, my daily task and knew what was expected. Thinking about going back to what was familiar made me think of comfort. I quickly snapped out of that thought and realized that in order to grow, I have to move. I also remembered that I was hand selected for this new role for a reason. My prior experience, skills and abilities had already set me up for success. So although I’m nervous and also excited about my new role, I’m excited to see what new things I will learn and develop new skills. My first day and first few months in the role will open up new challenges, but I’m prepared to spread my wings and soar. If a caterpillar didn’t embrace change, we would never have beautiful butterflies. So go soar, embrace change and enjoy that thing that God has for you. God will be with you wherever you go.
Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.
Joshua 1:9 KJV
#growth #newposition #bloggingislife #blogger #embracechange #blackgirlswhoblog
This was a very encouraging post. I think it’s time I leave my comfort zone and see how well I can fly.
P. S. Congrats on the new position.
Thanks little sis, do it! Love you!!!
This post is so true. It’s very easy to continue with what is familiar but that is not always the best move.