I often share I was raised in church – not as a badge of honor but as a reminder that it helped shape my foundation with God. My mom was a Sunday School teacher and I learned early on that “Jesus Wept” was the shortest verse in the Bible.
While I’ve always known this scripture for as long as I can remember, recently I’ve thought about how Jesus was on earth and experienced the same feelings we felt. There’s a story in the Bible where he was angry and another scripture referencing his weeping when his friend Lazarus died. (That he raised from the dead). In all of his human deity on earth, he allowed himself to feel and have experiences just like us.
Therefore, feelings and emotions aren’t either good or bad; however, we can’t allow them to control us or our actions. Feel your feelings as much as you need to, talk to your therapist, trusted friends, family, and others, and don’t allow your feelings to control you. Knowing that Jesus had human experiences, makes me comfortable to share any of the experiences I’ve had with Him. There’s nothing I can share that he can’t handle.
John 11:35 Jesus Wept.
John 11:38 Jesus was angry.
John 11:1-40 Full encounter of Lazarus resurrection
Last week’s Blog: Identity
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This was a touching read. Thanks for writing.
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