Hey y’all! We are jumping right into scripture today because I believe these verses are so vital to our current climate we are in today.
Here’s the verses:
“Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you?” John 14:1-2 ESV
As always, I encourage you to never take my word alone, but to read the scriptures for yourself in John chapter 13 and chapter 14.
In the meantime, let me paint a scene for you. In chapter 13, we see, Jesus knew his time of crucifixion was near and shared with the disciples that he would leave them soon and go to heaven. Jesus also washed his disciples feet, foretells of the betrayal of Judas and the denial of Peter.
After learning all of this if you can imagine, this moment felt heavy for the disciples.
In chapter 14, the verse starts off, “let not your heart be troubled. The word troubled in the Greek means: to agitate, to strike one spirit with fear, to make restless
I’m sure many of us can relate to agitated hearts today with everything that is currently going on in society. I know for myself I try to limit my social media and news intake because every day there’s a new “troubled” headline.
But what Jesus said then to his disciples, is still true to us today, no matter what is going on we must:
- Believe in God.
- Believe also in Jesus.
Jesus then reminds them he goes to prepare a place for them. Heaven should be all of our home, so even when life gets heavy always remember to believe in God and also in Jesus and that Jesus prepared a future home from us in heaven. Be encouraged on today and don’t lose hope!