Friends, How Many of Us Have Them?
The amazing thing about relationships is they can change and develop as you go through different situations and seasons in your life. I think about my friendships and how we started off giving each other advice about situations, enjoying life and living carefree.
As friendships blossom, we learn that sometimes others desire a listening ear more than an advisor or they may need a joke after a long day or someone to grab a drink with after a stressful day at work. Whatever the situation was, we took the time to cultivate that friendship; we can be more sensitive to certain issues and or topics.
I can’t say I get it right with my friendships all the time because I don’t. However, I continue to show up and keep trying. My friends lift me higher and challenge me to continue pushing forward in this journey called life. I’ve learned how to forgive, apologize, laugh, have empathy, be non-judgmental, support them, love them and most importantly be a better listener. – Or at least this is what I try to do because I enjoy talking. ??
I’ve learned that all friendships don’t last a lifetime and that’s okay. To my friends past, present and future, I can truly say I love you. I know some often say, no new friends, but I say hey new friend(s). It is a blessing if you have one true friend in a lifetime because no one is meant to live in a community of one. I’m grateful to have several.
A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.

Special Delivery
Last weekend I went to the State Fair of Texas with my sister and niece. I enjoyed the food and atmosphere.
I went to the fair with the expectation of having Fletcher’s corny dog. If you haven’t had a Fletcher’s corny dog, you may want to try one. #freeplug lol
Storytime: When I arrived at the fair one of the first food places I tried was Fletcher’s corny dogs. The great thing about Fletcher’s is they now offer different corny dogs such as a turkey and a veggie corny dog, which are both great options for me.
After, ordering my turkey dog, I was told I was going to have to wait because they had to make it fresh. I waited patiently for about five minutes while my stomach growled and it appeared countless people were passing me up. #patience However, I remembered I requested a specialty item, which isn’t their staple item; therefore, it required special preparation. Finally, my turkey corny dog came up and it was delish.
While waiting, I thought about how God may have special blessings that he is preparing for us, which require a little longer to assemble. While I am grateful to accept his pre-packaged blessings, I’ll wait longer for his customized special delivery blessings. We may often feel like God has forgotten about our unanswered prayers, but he hears every last prayer. Also, because he’s omniscient, he has a perfect memory and can recall everything!
So, the next time you are frustrated or discouraged remember specialty items take a little longer to assemble. ?
And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him.
1 John 5:15 KJV

My Bubble
We all have things that we want to do or desire to do, but fear is holding us back.
Fear of rejection or just fear of the unknown.
I often deal with this same fear and fight right through it, sometimes. Lol.
Storytime: For those of you who don’t know, I released a book less than a month ago. I’m excited to share my book with everyone. It’s my baby. If you haven’t purchased yet, it’s available exclusively on Amazon. I’ll post the link at the bottom of the blog.
One of the things that is encouraged when you release a book is to make a video about opening the first book box.
I was super comfortable sharing my book and posting about its release, since I already shared my blogs; however, sharing a video was outside my comfort zone. I don’t mind talking in-person, presenting or being on stage, but a video of me talking was outside of my little comfortable bubble zone.
We all have these bubbles where we feel comfortable doing just enough within our comfort zone. Everything looks and feels familiar and you aren’t worried about others.
In order to grow, we must sometimes pop our own bubble and step out of our comfort zones, which can be uncomfortable at first. Once you do, you realize it was needed to help you grow.
So, guess what?!!! A friend recorded the video for me, and I posted it on social media and my Amazon author page. #scaryright
Once I thought about the endless possibilities that can come from this, I pressed upload and allowed God to handle everything else.
Who knows, Oprah may pick little ol’ me and have me on her best sellers list.
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
2 Timothy 1:7 KJV

Hey That’s Borrowed…
I’m taking a stewardship class at church and,- let me say, I’ve learned a lot. It has me re-evaluating my entire life.
I understand that nothing we have is truly ours. Everything, yes, I mean everything, that we think we own technically belongs to God. He allows us to borrow it and manage it for the time we are on earth. #ouch
Story time: As someone who has loaned someone stuff, I realize that nothing makes you more upset than to loan something to someone and they don’t take care of it. This irks the heck out of me. For instance, if I let you borrow my shoes and you are walking on the back of them – run me those shoes right back, immediately!
As I took this class, I realized this is how God feels when he provides us with resources, and we aren’t good managers of the things he gave us. ?He gives us talents and financial resources and we continuously are wasteful.
This class is eye-opening for me because I enjoy traveling. I am the queen of #tripbooked when I could be using that money to be debt free. So now, instead of taking any trip at any given time, I’ll be a planner and start saving up for a few bigger trips for next year vs. taking every trip that pops up on my radar. #woosah I get anxiety just thinking about it. ? I need to be a better caretaker of the resources He’s given me.
Scripture of the Day: Yes! Everything in heaven, everything on earth; the kingdom all yours! You’ve raised yourself high over all. Riches and glory come from you, you’re ruler over all; You hold strength and power in the palm of your hand to build up and strengthen all.
1 Chronicles 29:12 MSG
Lean in to That
Often times, we are judged by others because we don’t meet their “idea” of what someone should look like.
Guess what? – Who cares?!!!
I’ve come to realize that “some” people are going to be upset regardless of what you do, so… Continue to do you, boo.
When “they” have their comments, feel free to ask them are you a lil mad or big mad, bruh?!!! Just kidding. lol
Remember, God has given us all unique ideas, talents and abilities to create things in a way that no one else can except for you.
So…. #leanintothat
Each one of us has an opportunity to reach someone that is not like us when we #leanintothat idea that’s not popular or conventional.
If everyone did what was popular, life would be boring! The world needs people who are willing to step out of their comfort box and be who God has called them to be.
Once we #leanintothat, we can establish exclusive ideas, products, songs, companies, podcasts, videos, fashion lines, etc…to help others.
You never know what impact you can have on someone’s life, so #leanin and embrace who you are!
Question of the Day: What are your talents? How are you using them to serve others?
Scripture: But the greatest among you will be your servant. AMP Matthew 23:11