I’m taking a stewardship class at church and,- let me say, I’ve learned a lot. It has me re-evaluating my entire life.
I understand that nothing we have is truly ours. Everything, yes, I mean everything, that we think we own technically belongs to God. He allows us to borrow it and manage it for the time we are on earth. #ouch
Story time: As someone who has loaned someone stuff, I realize that nothing makes you more upset than to loan something to someone and they don’t take care of it. This irks the heck out of me. For instance, if I let you borrow my shoes and you are walking on the back of them – run me those shoes right back, immediately!
As I took this class, I realized this is how God feels when he provides us with resources, and we aren’t good managers of the things he gave us. ?He gives us talents and financial resources and we continuously are wasteful.
This class is eye-opening for me because I enjoy traveling. I am the queen of #tripbooked when I could be using that money to be debt free. So now, instead of taking any trip at any given time, I’ll be a planner and start saving up for a few bigger trips for next year vs. taking every trip that pops up on my radar. #woosah I get anxiety just thinking about it. ? I need to be a better caretaker of the resources He’s given me.
Scripture of the Day: Yes! Everything in heaven, everything on earth; the kingdom all yours! You’ve raised yourself high over all. Riches and glory come from you, you’re ruler over all; You hold strength and power in the palm of your hand to build up and strengthen all.
1 Chronicles 29:12 MSG