Ever been on a plane?
Well, before take off, the flight attendant will go over the safety instructions and remind you if the pressure cabin drops, put on your own oxygen mask, before you help someone else.
This same logic applies to life. If you are depleted, then you can’t help someone else. Taking care of yourself is crucial, especially as we get older. Like seriously times fly by, I was just 20 and then BOOM out of nowhere, I’m 30!!! lol. ???
So many people will suck the life completely out of you, if you let them. Then here u are drained and have nothing to give to your own self. #empty
I’ve learned that outside of my relationship with God, I am the most important person in my life. I love to help people when I can, however I also know sometimes people will have you doing more work for them than they are willing to do themselves.
You are not captain save them for EVERYBODY!
We are all placed here for a purpose and to have a community for support. However, if you notice that you are that person that is always giving, you may need to take a break and take sometime for yourself and get a new community.
My advice, don’t quote me…
There should be mandatory mental health days for everyone. You should be able to call in or take a day off just because you need to breath. Just my opinion, don’t go tell your boss this, because I can’t help you if this doesn’t work. Count your coins ?bruh, before you call ?in. Lol
But on a serious note, take some time off for you when you can. On my days that I take off I may lay in bed all day in pajamas (idc) #judgeme. lol
Or…I’ll go shopping, go to the movies?, sit outside, go to comedy shows ?, journal?, read a book?, travel?, go for a walk, etc…
In closing, just dont forget to do for yourself, while you are doing for everyone else.
What do you do to care for yourself?
Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. 3 John 1:2 KJV
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