Whew chile, trying to date in 2019 is an experience. Some of the guys are “interesting”. ???? I think that is the best word to describe my dating experiences lately. Lol. ⠀
Here is my list of growing questions to ask on dates.⠀
Storytime: I went on ONE date with a guy and afterward the date, the guy assumed we were dating. ? No, sir, this isn’t how this works. ?⠀I realize the dating world has changed drastically in the last couple of years. I guess I’m old school, texting is cool, but I want a guy to call me “if” I’m interested in them. Now days, a follow on social media and liking a few of someone’s picture is considered someone showing interest. ? Interest is cool, but where is your effort boo? Lol. ??♀️⠀Even in the short amount of time I have dated, I think the key thing to dating: is to treat someone with the same respect you would want someone to give you and to ask the right questions. #communication⠀
1. Are you married?⠀
2. Are u legally still married? ⠀(2 different questions) Lol.
4. Are you dating?⠀
5. Are you in a relationship?
6. Is there anyone who believes you are in a relationship with them?⠀
7. Do you have kids?
8. How old are your kids?⠀
9. Did you sign your name on any birth certificate(s)?⠀
10. Are you engaged? ⠀
11. So you have a situationship?⠀I know some of these questions may seem comical, but guys have an “interesting” way of responding to them. As I continue to date, I’m still focusing on myself. I don’t feel pressed to jump into anything. I’m taking suggestions at additional questions.⠀⠀
What are some questions you ask on a first date? ⠀⠀
“If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.”⠀James 1:5 KJV⠀⠀
It’s sounds funny but this dating scene is a hot mess at times lol!
Yes it is!